Dr Max Vercruyssen

Dr. Max VercruyssenAcademy President, Head of the Departments of Research and Academic Instruction, and Substitute International and Elite Trampoline Coach

Dr. Max was a gymnast, head coach (club, high school, and college for boys and girls at all levels), club owner/director in Montana and Colorado, elite national women's judge, exercise physiology and biomechanics researcher, national statistician, international clinician, and equipment design consultant. He began coaching in 1970. He is an internationally distinguished research scientist who has had appointments in European and American universities including the University of Hawaii (Geriatric Medicine, Gerontology, Kinesiology, Psychology), Technische Universitat Eindhoven (Gerontechnology), University of Southern California (Human Factors, Ergonomics, Safety Science, Systems Management, Gerontology), University of Minnesota (Transportation Studies, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Kinesiology), and Pennsylvania State University (Kinesiology, Psychology, Ergonomics & Applied Physiology, Human Performance Research, Transportation Research). He is a father of four girls. He also serves as the Interim Head of the Departments of Research and Academic Instruction, and the International and Elite Trampoline Program. He coaches and judges the elite-level trampolinists and teaches the seniors exercise classes (oldest=99yrs).

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Last Revised:  2015-05-07